Einstein teaching Firebird

Einstein, a group of universities in Brazil, is now offering extension courses based on Firebird:

  • Firebird database management
  • Advanced SQL – Triggers, Stored Procedures and UDF

More information here (in portuguese).

[ED]I know that a lot of universities here in Brazil uses Firebird as the default database for their computing courses, but it is the first time I see one of them offering extension courses based only in Firebird.

Borland/CodeGear dbExpress driver for Firebird?

In the latest days, some messages coming from a CodeGear person were posted in some Brazilian’s Delphi/Firebird discussions lists, asking for users to report any problem related to the use of the new DBX4 drivers (coming with Delphi 2007) and Firebird.

Previously, FirebirdNews reported that in the latest Brazilian BorCon (2007), it was told that BOR/CG would probably release a Firebird compatible dbExpress driver. Seems that things are really moving in this way.

Delphi 2008 survey

CodeGear is running an on-line survey about what customers would like to see in Delphi 2008. One of the questions: “Which databases do you require Delphi connectivity with?”

Firebird is among the choices so, it’s time to  show to CodeGear the real need for official drivers supporting Firebird in Delphi. Vote now!

Firebird 2.1RC1 is out

The Firebird Project team is happy to announce that download kits for the first V.2.1 release candidate are now available – Windows and Linux 32-bit and 64-bit platforms now, MacOSX soon. You are invited to test it furiously and report your experiences (good or bad) back to the firebird-devel list.
As always, please be patient if the files you want haven’t made it out to the mirrors at your first attempt.

Sun buys MySQL = opportunity to Firebird

Marco Cantu posted in his blog some comments about the recent acquisition of MySQL by Sun. Among his considerations, Marco see this as a good opportunity to Firebird, a trully OpenSource project (and product):

I think this is another great opportunity for a truly open source and fully independent database like FireBird (and to a much lesser extend for InterBase)

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