FB 2.5 first Alpha is coming…

Posted in Firebird-Devel, by Dmitry Yemanov:


The codebase will be tagged for Alpha 1 as soon as v2.0.4 RC1 and v2.1 Final are released. This means 10-15 days available to finalize the ODS changes and complete the major refactoring and synchronization efforts.

We expect only one Alpha version to be released. The next one will be Beta 1 which should be feature complete. No new ODS changes are allowed for Beta, unless some bugs would require fixing.

Besides the features already scheduled for v2.5 in the tracker, we have two features that the Foundation TTG (technical task group) has agreed to consider for this release during the Alpha stage: (1) tracing facility by Nickolay and (2) cross-database EXECUTE STATEMENT implementation by Vlad. They will be reviewed and discussed here soon, with an intention to be committed into the codebase before Beta.

Unfortunately, provided that the “external stored procedures” feature has major issues we still cannot resolve in the agreement (e.g. security and external engine API), it doesn’t seem to fit the v2.5 timeframe and is going to be postponed. Sad but true.

Comments anyone? We still have a bit of time to resolve your questions and adjust the release plan, if required. Just don’t forget that we want v2.5 to be a quick release and we’re already one month behind the schedule…


Deprecated parameters

Pay attention, specially if you are using old IBO versions: Dmitry Yemanov posted in Firebird-Devel list that the OldParameterOrdering setting (found in Firebird.conf) will be removed from Firebird 2.5, and OldColumnNaming will be removed in FB 3.0. Both of them were introduced as temporary solutions to compatibility problems, to give time to developers solve the issues in their applications.

Interop Moscow 2008

On April 23-24, 2008 Interop Moscow will take place in the very heart of Moscow, FORUM Hall exhibition centre. The Congress and Exhibition will bring together more than 5000 IT experts and business managers from Russian and CIS seeking for an efficacious use of information technologies.

Dmitry Yemanov will be speaking  at the conference with the talk “Firebird: The Universal Open-Source Database“.

New Evans Data Survey

A new survey from Evans Data, about software development and IDEs, mention Firebird as one of the choices for the question “Which of the following databases are you currently using?“. Let’s make some noise! 😉

PS: People who participates in the survey can win US$ 500.

New Silver Sponsor from South Africa

From Firebird Foundation blog:

QuickEasy Software, from Cape Town, today became a Silver sponsor, with CEO Heinrich van der Vyver stating “…recently converted our software from IB6 to run on Firebird 2.0.3 and I’m very pleased with the result, also with the backend utility Flamerobin.”

Kerio MailServer 6.5 uses Firebird

Excerpt from article on ComputerWorld:

Vitek says MailServer 6.5 also includes an updated Outlook plug in that lets people read and write mail, make calendar changes and other groupware tasks while disconnected from the Kerio MailServer. The new plug in includes a Firebird database that captures all the work you do while on the road and updates everything once you connect back to the server. Another benefit of using Firebird, Vitek points out, is that users now will have full-text search of everything stored in the database.

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