Darwin Race of Languages – now running!
The Darwin Race of Languages contest is now running! You can participate and contribute with Firebird community at the same time, choosing to build a gBak GUI frontend tool (check more details here).
The Darwin Race of Languages contest is now running! You can participate and contribute with Firebird community at the same time, choosing to build a gBak GUI frontend tool (check more details here).
Today, Firebird Developers Day conference passed the “line” of 500 confirmed attendees, and the numbers is still growing every day. Online subscriptions go up to 10/July.
The Darwin Race of Languages is a “competition” started by Bart Roozendaal to check what programming language is better. It seems that they will choose a kind of application that need to be developed, and participants will use the language of their choice to code it, and in the end, they will choose which one is better.
Anyway, the reason I’m posting this here is that among the topics being discussed to decide what kind of application will be developed, there is a Firebird tool.
A new release of Jaybird is available – 2.1.5. It fixes a bug introduced in 2.1.4 when events did not work on Linux. Please upgrade your installations to this one.
The conference will be in Bergamo (Italy), 25-26-27/September. You can get all information here. Register sooner to get earlybird discount.
If I end up going with Firebird, then I’ll most likely be using the IBObjects components. I’ve used these before at a customer’s site and have been impressed at the genuine speed that results.
See full post here.
There is a project going on to measure the usage of Open Source software all over the world. People just download an utility who scan their machines, detects and reports the use of any recognized Open Source package (anonimously, of course). Right now, Firebird is not one of the recognized packages. This can be fixed if some “good soul” creates a Firebird “Fingerprint” and submit it to OSSDiscovery.
Jaybird team is pleased to announce the Jaybird 2.1.4 bugfix release which contains a fix to make events run with Firebird 2.1. Also some some fixes to the test cases were made, since a bug with a constant order for table reservation in TPB was fixed in FB 2.1 (CORE-1416).
Jim Starkey, creator of InterBase, who was working for MySQL developing the Falcon engine, is leaving MySQL, probably to start some new technology.
From IBExpert Team: We have published new Firebird Training Videos on google video. The videos were recorded during the firebird Conference 2007 and gives you an introduction into the most important Firebird database technologies. The access to the videos (total about 8 hours) is free for everyone. IBExpert customer can find a link in the customer area where to download the videos in uncompressed avi format.