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All attendees of the 6th world-wide Firebird Conference can order IBProvider Professional Edition with 20% discount . Check more here.
All attendees of the 6th world-wide Firebird Conference can order IBProvider Professional Edition with 20% discount . Check more here.
See how to set up Mondrian (Open Source OLAP server) to be used with Firebird, in Thomas Steinmaurer’s Blog
Ok, Firebird users, let’s make some noise!
Read more in Alex Fletcher blog. The post is a special comment for his previous article “Thoughts on the open source database market“.
Open source technologies continue to make headway in the enterprise, and none more so, perhaps, than open source database management systems (DBMS).
Read full story here.
The winner of the “Darwin Race of Languages” competition is Werewolf, who submited a nive GUI frontend for gbak (Windows and Linux), made in Delphi/Kylix. You can check more information and download it here.
The timetable for the International Firebird Conference is now available in the official site. Register this week and get earlybird discount!
For those tired of maintaining separate code bases for Web and desktop applications, Servoy offers a way to consolidate those code bases and cut development time in half.
Servoy apps can access many different databases, including Firebird.
More information here.
A very nice GUI frontend to configure Firebird.conf file can be found here. It runs on Windows, and the author is waiting for your comments.
Two interviews made with Alexey Kovyazin (IBSurgeon) and Meiji Kimura, two years ago in the 3rd edition of Firebird Developers Day in Brazil was recently discovered and published in the HardSoft TV site.
HardSoft covered the conference one more time this year, and we expect to have the interviews published in the next 2 months.
PS: IE is need to watch the videos.