Only 3 days for the International Firebird Conference
The Firebird International Conference 2008 will start at 25/September, in Bergamo, Italy.
What? Still didn’t register? Hurry up, there is still time!
The Firebird International Conference 2008 will start at 25/September, in Bergamo, Italy.
What? Still didn’t register? Hurry up, there is still time!
Subscribe now and meet several Firebird developers and gurus. You will have the chance of getting all that hard questions answered by the best people in the world đŸ˜‰
Paul Beach posted some comments about the SDTimes article “InterBase 2009 comes with multicore support” in his blog. Don’t forget to take a look at them.
It’s a common question with interesting background from developers . As I can suppose from IBSurgeon statistics, 99% of Firebird and InterBase developers use default page size: since the old ages it is 1024 bytes, and only for Firebird 2.0 it is changed to 4096 by default. There are 4 main things related with page size: indices depth, database cache size, records per page quantity and disk cluster size.
The shortest answer to this question is to use 4k, 8k or 16k page size. That’s it.
If you want to go a bit deeper, keep reading…
Article in SinĂ¡tica blog talks about architectural differences between SQL Server and Firebird.
Open-source databases have become quite prominent over the last decade, in large installations as well as small ones. MySQL and PostgreSQL are the best-known open-source databases, but SQLite, Firebird, and CouchDB are also popular in some corners, and offer compelling features of their own. In some cases, users aren’t even aware that they have installed a database: For example, the Firefox Web browser comes with an installation of SQLite, which it uses to manage preferences and passwords.
Read full article here.
Mario Cornejo talks about the Windows Authentication feature introduced in Firebird 2.1 in his blog. With this feature, you can login to your database using a Windows user.
There is a Firebird VMware applicance available for download. It contains: Ubuntu 8.04 x86, Firebird V2.1.1 (SuperServer) and Mondrian V3.0.4 with their foodmart example already set up with Firebird.
But still no “official” support for Firebird, as Nick Hodges states in this podcast. BUT, rumors says that there will be news about this in the future.
Anyway, Firebird users has tons of third party access components (IBO, FIBPlus, InterXpress, UIB, Zeos, etc. etc.) to be used with Delphi so, no official support doesn’t mean any big problem for us.
Check the press release information here. This is the first Delphi version released after CodeGear was sold to Embarcadero.