The last big chance for Firebird?

Marco Cantu talks about Firebird SFCCA award, and says:

The Firebird open source database server wins a SourceForge Community Choice Award (in the “Best Project for Enterprise” category). This is certainly a very good sign of its popularity. At the time MySQL future is far from clear, due to multiple project spin-off following Oracle acquisition of Sun (and MySQL), Firebird has a chance to stand out. Maybe its last big chance, I’m not sure.

Read full post.

David I post about SFCCA and Firebird

The open source, SourceForge community, has voted for the 4th annual community choice awards. The best open source project for enterprise was Firebird SQL. Some application developers and database professionals know that the genesis of Firebird is Embarcadero InterBase. In fact, if you look at the source code, you’ll see copyright notices that are also in Embarcadero TechnologiesInterBase SMP SQL database. 185,000 votes were cast by community members.

Stay tuned to the Embarcadero Developer Network for news about our support for Firebird in future versions of all of our products. We look forward to a great future working closely with the Firebird community.

Read full post.

Firebird 1TB Database

When Dmitry Kuzmenko (IBSurgeon) spoke at FDD a few weeks ago, he shown the results of his recent tests creating a 1 TB (yes, ONE TERABYTE) database with Firebird!

It was really cool to know that FB can handle such beast! A more detailed report about this will be public available in August. Keep checking FirebirdNews!

Firebird Protocol


I’ve been working on an improved plug-in for wireshark (previously known  as ethereal) and have produced a “Wire Protocol Specification” as a  byproduct.

From my preliminary reading of news groups, etc., several people have  asked for this kind of information. It’s not complete, it’s not correct  but it’s better than anything else I have been able to find.

It should go in your Documentation and Papers section.

Mark Chambers

500 folders for FDD!

Last Saturday was the day to assemble the 500 folders that every FDD attendee will receive. Vlad Khorsun and Dmitry Kouzmenko (international speakers) will arrive in São Paulo in the next few minutes. Last time I meet them personaly was in Italy, in the last FB Intl. Conference.

Btw, I wish to thanks IBSurgeon for sponsoring Vlad flight tickets!

“Late” people can still subscribe to the conference until tomorrow.

500 FDD folders

500 FDD folders

BTW, will we have an International FB Conference this year?

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