Compiling Linux UDFs on MSVC++

A guide for those who use Delphi to build UDFs and one day just need to use or make modifications on UDFs in “C”.

By Marcelo Martenetz / Curitiba-PR / BRAZIL


  • Case study: rFunc on windows with Visual C++
  • ANNEX I: About recompilation of rFunc version on Linux
  • ANNEX II: About uuid’s fn_CreateGUID / CreateGUID

Case study: rFunc on windows with Visual C + +

You need a minimum knowledge of “C” for better understanding  this article.

FBScanner 2.6 released!

New version of FBScanner introduces significant increasing of SQLs processing, new logging approach to database with one-click log creation, real time configuration (restart of not required).

Now it also has full support of Firebird 2.5 (including SuperClassic architecture). Read more.

FB Scanner presentation

IB Surgeon published a slide presentation about FB Scanner, a great product that intercepts the traffic between Firebird <-> Clients and allow you to see what is going on (works with any FB version).

Se você está no Brasil, não deixe de conferir o preço especial do FBScanner na loja on-line da FireBase.

ERP Alternative uses Firebird

DBA Software Inc., a leading provider of manufacturing (MRP) solutions for small business, announced that its decision two years ago to base its flagship product, DBA Manufacturing Next-Generation, on the Firebird™ open-source SQL database has been an unqualified success.

MySQL gets all the publicity when it comes to open-source databases,” said Michael Hart, President of DBA Software, “but based on our experience, Firebird deserves a share of the limelight. MySQL is great for the Internet, but Firebird is perfectly suited for software applications such as our manufacturing package. It has a small footprint, is easy to install, requires no administration, and is fast, stable, and secure.”

Read more.

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