FBNews is back ;-)

Sorry for the few days off-line. The big increase in the website visitors extrapolated (for the first time) our bandwidth limit. Due to Xmas vacation, I was able to check the problem just today. I have doubled the bandwidth limit. Let the people stay coming 😉

SqueakDBX now supports Firebird

We are glad to announce that we now support Firebird as backend. The good news for us is that it just took 4 hours to get it working and even with the 100% of the tests in green.
OpenDBX supports Firebird since a lot of time but we didn’t have too much time to try it. I wanted to “give a hand” to Norbert generating all dlls for each new release. I didn’t have ever used Firebird neither Sybase. So, I started with Firebird and now it is working like a charm.

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Vote for Firebird

StackOverflow will publish ads for free (only for Open Source projects.) I have made an image for Firebird but lacked rights/points to upload it. Douglas uploaded it, but we need more votes to put the spotlight over our bird. If you have an account in StackOverflow with at last 15 reputation points, please, vote now.


Firebird client library to the Lua language


I’d like to announce the first public release of fbclient, a binding of the Firebird client library to the Lua language, that is, a collection of pure Lua modules that allows you to connect and execute queries against the Firebird Relational Database.

Project website: http://code.google.com/p/fbclient/

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