Firebird’s 10th birthday a bunch of conferences

Posted in FB-General list.

Dear Firebird Foundation members, dear Firebird users,

To celebrate the Firebird’s 10th birthday and the launch of Firebird 2.5, the Firebird Foudation Committee invite you to setup and participate to a worldwide bunch of conferences.

The idea is to set up conferences every where there is a Firebird Community, to have at least 10 conferences to celebrate the 10th birthday.

These conferences can have various format, from an half day to three days, the content can be advance topics made by core developpers, but also Firebird show case, information about the project it self, Firebird tools show case, speak about Firebird 2.5 new features, etc …

To day we have :

  • A one day conference in Ukraine On Friday, April 23, 2010
  • Firebird Developers Day in Brazil, in July
  • A three days combined HK-Software/Firebird conference in Bremen, Germany in November
  • Sarajevo,France, Italy, Czech Republic, Russia are planned

It would be nice to have events in countries where we have Firebird users and where we never had a conference before (Poland, USA, Canada, Australia, South Africa, etc )

We the coordinate effort with the Mind the Bird campaign, we already have material that can be useful (slides, webinars recording)

We are working on a “10th anniversary event package” organizers could use as core content ( with for example a speech/presentation about Firebird from day one to present and with future plans). It would help organizers that don’t have any local FB developer(s) and can’t afford to invite one.

We need now volunteers :

  • to take in charge such event in their country
  • content writers
  • sponsors hunters
  • speakers

Soon some web pages will be setup to inform and popularize this initiative.

So please, anyone ready to help, please subscribe to the dedicated mailing list

So we can coordinate our efforts.


Philippe Makowski
Firebird Foundation

gStat manual available

If anyone is interested, I uploaded the Gstat manual to before Christmas (!) but my change to the docs page on the web site was either lost in the server crash or I forgot to do it!

Either way, there is a pdf and html version of the Gstat manual now available.


Marco Cantu Webinar at MindTheBird

Marco Cantu just blogged about his upcoming webinar, promoted by MindTheBird campaign:

To celebrate 10 years of the Firebird open source database and the coming release 2.5, the community behind the software has organized a promotional campaign called “Mind the Bird!“. IN case you don’t know, Firebird started when Borland decided to open source Interbase and later changed their mind. At that point the existing source code as used as a starting point for this open source project. Even if Firebird has a niche role in the open source database world, its technical qualities really shine and its license is fully open (unlike that of the most famous of the open source DBs, MySQL).

Webinar info: April 27, 2010, GMT+3 — Title: Delphi and Firebird, by Marco Cantu (in English)

MindtheBird articles contest – deadline is 16/April

FB 2.5 features documentation contest

Write articles/documentation about any of the new Firebird 2.5 features and you can win a prize of USD 500 (1st place) or USD 200 (honourable mention prizes).


  • Article format should be Word (doc/docx), Open Office or RTF.
  • It must contain minimum of 2.000 words.
  • It must be clear and easy to understand, and if possible, contain practical examples of code using the feature subject of the article.
  • It must be written in English (not generated by automated translation, please).
  • All the submitted articles needs to be licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License (cc by).
  • All articles will be published at MindTheBird site and at

Deadline for articles is April 16, 2010. Contest will be judged by Firebird Core developers: Dmitry Yemanov, Vlad Khorsun and Alex Peshkoff. The authors of the best articles will get money as a prize (needs to have account in PayPal to receive the money).

Send your article to

8/April – Ann Harrison’s Webinar

April 8, 2010, 14-00 GMT Technological history of Firebird – 3 decades of innovations, by Ann W Harrison (in English). Connection details

Click to link will open your installed LiveMeeting client, or if you don’t have this installed, will ask you to download and install it. Note that webinar will be available to join in 30 minutes before it’s beginning, otherwise LM client will say that “The meeting has not started yet…”.
Attendees will be muted, only presenter can speak. Attendees may ask questions using Q&A menu in Live Meeting Client.

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