The truth about automated sweep

Several documents, including books, manuals, papers, tutorials, etc. says that Firebird will start the sweep of a database if the difference between OAT (Oldest Active Transaction) and OIT (Oldest Interesting Transaction) reaches the pre-defined value of sweep interval setting. Some docs, like the ones from InterBase 6.0, even states that the automated sweep will start when the difference between the Next Transaction and OIT reaches the sweep interval value.

So, this post intention is to to clarify what is the truth about automated sweep start, in the hope that people/authors around the world correct those documents to stop this confusion.

In a private talk with Vlad Khorsun, one of the core developers of the Firebird project, he confirmed that all the previous assumptions listed above are WRONG! Yep, it is not NT – OAT, and it is not OAT – OIT. The automated sweep will start if the difference between OST (Oldest Snapshot Transaction) and OIT is greater than the sweep interval defined. So, the correct formula is OST – OIT.

This is valid for all Firebird versions up to date. If you know any document or paper with the incorrect info, please notify the author so he can correct it.

Here is the piece of code that proves that:

if (trans->tra_oldest_active > dbb->dbb_oldest_snapshot)
 dbb->dbb_oldest_snapshot = trans->tra_oldest_active;

 // If the transaction block is getting out of hand, force a sweep

 if (dbb->dbb_sweep_interval &&
 !(tdbb->getAttachment()->att_flags & ATT_no_cleanup) &&
 (trans->tra_oldest_active - trans->tra_oldest > dbb->dbb_sweep_interval) &&
 oldest_state != tra_limbo)
 // Why nobody checks the result? Changed the function to return nothing.
 start_sweeper(tdbb, dbb);

The code is somewhat confusing, specially for people who is not used to Firebird code so, you must note that in the above code, tra_oldest_active represents the value of OST calculated at transaction start time. dbb_oldest_snapshot is cached value of OST, updated when any transaction starts. This may explain why so many docs are wrong… at a first look, tra_oldest_active may be interpreted as OAT, but it is not!

7th Firebird Developers Day – subscribe now!

Only for Brazilians (or Portuguese speakers):

Inscrições abertas para o 7º FDD
Você já pode se inscrever para a sétima edição do Firebird Developers Day, a ser realizada no dia 17/Julho, em Piracicaba-SP. O site do evento está no ar, com a grade parcial de palestras e todas as demais informações. Inscreva-se agora e pague menos! As palestras estão com temas muito bons, e novas palestras serão inseridas nos próximos dias, fiquem de olho!

Introductory tips with Jaybird and JRuby


I’ve created in Hebrew few tips on how to work with JayBird in Java and JRuby using Firebird. Links for the (google) translated versions:

Get to know FB in 2 minutes – now available in 18 languages

The introductory paper “Get to know Firebird in 2 minutes” is now available in 18 different languages! Thanks for all the translators who contributed.

Languages: English, Czech, Português Brasil, Polish, German, Turkish, Bosnian, Português Portugal, Spanish, Swedish, French, Italian, Hungarian, Bulgarian, Russian, Japanese, Romanian, Hebrew

PS: Some of the translations still need to be updated to the newest document revision (1.3).

Tomorrow, Webinar with Marco Cantu

  • April 27, 2010, GMT 15-00 pm Delphi and Firebird, by Marco Cantu (in English).
    Join LiveMeeting
    Description from Marco Cantu:
    Since many Delphi developers use Firebird, Embarcadero recently added a native and specific Firebird driver to its dbExpress architecture.In this session I’ll offer an overview of how this driver works in terms of accessing to data and metadata, cover some of the alternative Delphi database access solutions for Firebird, and talk about the status of Delphi and of its relationship with the open source database server.
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