Firebird Foundation recent news

News from the Firebird Foundation:

Wed 13 Oct 2010 09:00:00 GMT New Platinum Sponsor Secretary
Development-X Ltd, of Auckland, New Zealand is a new Platinum sponsor. Thank you, Liz and Jeff Keith. Jeff tells me he is looking forward to meeting up with any Foundation members present at the IBExpert conference next month in Bremen, Germany.

Wed 6 Oct 2010 10:00:00 GMT Martens & Prahl Gold Sponsorship Secretary
Martens & Prahl has resumed its Gold sponsorship. Thank you, Thomas Beckmann, for facilitating this.

Wed 6 Oct 2010 11:00:00 GMT Revival of ODBC Driver Sponsorship Secretary
DRB Systems Inc. CEO Steve Summers (also our Vice-President and a Gold sponsor already) has offered a goodly sum of $$$ to encourage a “kick-start” to resume development of the ODBC driver, to complete the v.2.0 release and get the v.2.1 driver well under way. Offer is made in combination with the reassignment of the FF grant allocation for this development, which has been lying fallow for a few years. A proposal has been made to a very capable developer and we await his acceptance.

Mon 4 Oct 2010 15:00:00 GMT Firebird 2.5 Release Everyone
We congratulate the Project team for releasing a great new version of Firebird today, v.2.5. We note that the Mind the Bird people are busy organising press releases and webinars to mark the day.

RAD Studio XE in Devart VCL

From Irina Pisklyarova:

Devart announced the new versions of VCL Data Access Components with full support of Embarcadero RAD Studio XE.

The Devart VCL Data Access Components product line consists of the solutions that provide access from Delphi, Delphi for .NET, C++Builder, and Free Pascal chest, and offer wide coverage of the database servers’ feature sets. Devart Data Access Components provide the direct access to Oracle, MS SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, InterBase, Firebird and Yaffil, SQLite, DB2, Microsoft Access, Advantage Database Server, Adaptive Server Enterprise, and other databases.

Starting SC/CS on Linux

Alex Peshkov posted some more (interesting) info about this in fb-devel list:

The only difference between [starting] classic and superclassic is different server binary to start – classic is started by fb_inet_server (started by xinetd) and super – fb_smp_server, started by fbguard, started by /etc/init.d script. You can remove fb_smp_server, fbguard and startup scripts – and you will get poor classic package. To get superclassic package – remove fb_inet_server and xinetd startup file, and slightlychange install script.

Must say that this is anyway not a longterm solution. Since 3.0 we will not have separate packages – single package will serve all needs, including SS, and choice of operation mode will be done using firebird.conf.

How to run SuperClassic on Linux

Firebird 2.5 brings a new architecture called SuperClassic. The official FB 2.5 Linux packages brings SuperClassic and Classic in the same package, and when you install it, Classic will be activated by default.

To be able to change to SuperClassic, you need to run the script that is installed with FB 2.5.

You will be prompted with: “Which option would you like to choose: multi-(process|thread) [process]”

Answering thread will activate SuperClassic, while process will activate Classic mode.

PS: This is not documented in the Release Notes.

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