Survey for Jaybird users is on-line! Participate now.

The Jaybird team would like to invite developers and users of Jaybird to fill out a survey on your use of Jaybird (Firebird JDBC driver). You can find the survey at The results of the survey will be used to decide where to focus development of the upcoming Jaybird versions.

Mark Rotteveel

The survey will be online until 28-September. If you use Jaybird in your projects, don’t miss the chance to participate in this survey.

International Firebird Conference 2012

Hello All,

Firebird Conference 2012 will take place October 26-27, in Luxembourg. Please plan your journey to the main Firebird event of the year!

Now we are calling for papers – please send talks’ proposals to if you’d like to present there.

Current sponsors are Sita Software, IBPhoenix and IBSurgeon, other sponsors are very welcome.

Alexey Kovyazin
IBSurgeon (

Understanding barrier on Linux

It is known that massive write operations in Firebird databases (like updates affecting thousands or millions of records) had become much slower in more recent Linux servers. After investigation, I found this to be related with the fact that most recent distros brings the barrier parameter of the filesystem activated.

Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to solve this “problem” completely, without opening a door for corruption. The slow down when barrier is enabled can be minimized a lot if the database is configured with forced writes OFF, but this also may lead into corruption if something bad happens to the server.

Anyway, the purpose of this post is to share an article that helps to understand how barrier works and why it slow down such kind of operations.

More than R$ 4.000 donated for protocol performance enhancement

Many attendees of the 9th Firebird Developers Day donated money to sponsor the enhancement of the Firebird protocol, known to be “slow” in high latency networks (ie: internet). This is the #1 voted feature in the Firebird tracker! The development will be done by Dmitry Yemanov, chief of the Firebird development team, and available in Firebird 3 (with chances of being partially backported to Firebird 2.5.x). A list with the names of all donors and values can be found here.

Workshop with Alexey Kovyazin, in Piracicaba-SP, Brazil

Informamos que amanhã, dia 20/Julho, haverá um workshop gratuito com Alexey Kovyazin, na Unimep Taquaral, em Piracicaba. Não há necessidade de se inscrever antecipadamente. Os interessados podem comparecer diretamente no local e hora indicada.

Segue informações:

Workshop Otimização de banco de Dados SQL
Local: Auditório Azul – Bloco 7 – Campus Taquaral
Data: 20/07/2012 – Sexta-feira
Início: 14h30 – duração prevista de 1h30
Workshop em inglês, com tradução consecutiva para português.

Alexey Kovyazin é diretor executivo da IBSurgeon e um veterano das tecnologias da informação: sua experiência inclui ter trabalhado na Borland/CodeGear/Embarcadero e na Microsoft, além de ser especialista na recuperação de bases de dados corrompidas. Na IBSurgeon, trabalha na melhoria constante dos produtos e serviços.

Estará falando sobre as ferramentas da IBSurgeon que facilitam o tunning de bancos de dados.

Firebird for Android?

Posted in FB-DEVEL:

FIrebird for Android

Key: CORE-3885
Project: Firebird Core
Issue Type: Task
Components: Build Issues / Porting
Affects Versions: 2.1.5
Environment: Android 4
Reporter: JLM
Priority: Minor


I’m trying to build Firebird 2.1 for Android ARM.
For the moment, I am compiling, step by step, by correcting builds issues.
To compile, I use the custom NDK R7 by Crystax in order to use the standard libc instead of the Bionic libc.

I will write my advance gradually.


Do you have interest? Vote for it in the tracker and show your support  😉

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