Firebird 3 beta 2 is released

Firebird Project announces the second Beta release of Firebird 3.0, the next major version of the Firebird relational database, which is now available for testing.

This Beta release demonstrates the features and improvements currently under development by the Firebird development team. Our users are appreciated giving it a try and providing feedback to the development mailing list. Apparent bugs can be reported directly to the bugtracker.

Beta releases are not encouraged for production usage or any other goals that require a stable system. They are, however, recommended for those users who want to help in identifying issues and bottlenecks thus allowing to progress faster through the Beta/RC stages towards the final release.

Please read the Release Notes carefully before installing and testing this Beta release.

Last week to subscribe to FDD paying less

For the Brazilians…

Essa é a última semana para se inscrever no Firebird Developers Day pagando menos! A grade de palestras já está fechada, confira agora mesmo no site e se inscreva!

Lembrando que na véspera do evento, teremos uma MasterClass sobre otimização de performance, com Dmitry Yemanov e Alexey Kovyazin. Confira as informações sobre a MasterClass e se inscreva aqui.

12th Firebird Developers Day site is now online

The Firebird Developers Day is a Brazilian annual conference, held in Piracicaba-SP, with an average of 400 attendees. This year, the 12th edition of the conference will happen in 08-August, with the special presence of Dmitry Yemanov, chief of the Firebird development team.

All the details can be found in the conference site, and registrations can be done online. We invite all the Brazilians and Portuguese speakers to participate in this big event!

Time to try Firebird for Android

androidIn a private email exchange to Alex Peshkov, he allowed be to publish his “cloud” link, containing a test version of Firebird 3 for Android.

Archives with tools for accessing databases in embedded mode are available at

Note that Embedded can be used also as a client to access remote Firebird servers.

Embedded version should be _embedded_ into target application. It’s not installed separately. It can be accessed by the well known ISC API, and there is also the new OO API.

Alex need people to try it out and report/comment about problems, etc.

If you expect to see an official Android Firebird build in the future, you must start helping testing and sending feedback.

Firebird – where we stand and where we go

The virtual session that Dmitry Yemanov gave last year in the 11th Firebird Developers Day is now publicly available in YouTube.

The audio is in English, and there are subtitles in PT-BR available. In this video, Dmitry talks about the most recent developments done in FB 3, comment about the reasons for the delays of the releases, what we can expect for the future, etc.

Obs: Please note that the session was recorded in August/2014.

Watch it now in YouTube.

Firebird for Android is coming

shell@hwH30-U10:/data/local/tmp/firebird/bin $ ./isql employee
Database: employee
SQL> show version;
ISQL Version: LI-T3.0.0.31567 Firebird 3.0 Beta 2
Server version:
Firebird/Linux/ARM (access method), version “LI-T3.0.0.31567 Firebird
3.0 Beta 2”
on disk structure version 12.0


Survey to be closed soon

Our survey about what languages you use with Firebird will be closed in a few days. If you have not voted yet, do it now! Knowing what Firebird users are currently using may help in directing future project decisions, etc.

The survey is in the right sidebar in the main page of the site.

Time to remember the Firebird band Xmas special!

For those who didn’t follow FirebirdNews in the past years, check out the Firebird Band performing a classic Christmas song 🙂

I hope the guys will enjoy it!

Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!

Band is:

Drums: Alex “Bonham” Peshkov
Guitar: Vlad “Vai” Khorsun
Guitar: Claudio “Friedman” Valderrama
Bass: Adriano “Harris” Fernandes
Vocal: Dmitry “Plant” Yemanov

Testing the Firebird 3 protocol enhancements

In the 9th Firebird Developers Day, we collected donations to sponsor the enhancements of the Firebird wire protocol, to optimize the speed of communication in high latency networks (aka. internet). Dmitry Yemanov implemented the optimizations that were finally available for public testing with the release of the Firebird 3 Beta 1, a few days ago.

So, I decided to test the improvements. I set up a Windows remote server running FB 2.5 and 3.0 (beta1 and beta2), and used a database with a single “customers” table containing real life data (7,000 records and 61 fields). For the tests, I also created a second table with the same data, but in this one, the fields containing nulls were filled with random chars and numbers up to its size limit.

The test itself is very simple: retrieve all the fields from the first 5,000 rows from the tables, using isql (directing ther output to disk, since stdout is too “slow” and affects the results in a bad way), and check the time taken to do the fetchall. Each test was run at last twice (in sequence, filling the cache, etc), and the lowest value obtained was used for the comparison.

You can see the results below, and it is very promising! Thanks Dmitry and also Alex Peshkov (who implemented the zlib compression).

PS: There is one weird case where FB 3 was slower than FB 2.5. I already reported this do Dmitry, and he is investigating.

A full article (in portuguese) about the tests is available at FireBase. Thanks for Fernando Pimenta who “donated” the remote server for my use.

Protocol Graph

Update: Dmitry just sent me more information about the case where FB 2.5 got better performance than FB 3:

Actually, the problem is in the default batch size, not the new code itself. With all fields filled up to their max length, the protocol message size is quite similar between v2.5 and v3, the difference is less than 5%. But v3 always sends 8 packets at once while v2.5 may send 8 to 16 packets at once, depending on the message size. In your particular case, the batch size should be ~12-13 packets. This explains better performance of v2.5.

I need to find a way to adapt the new batching algorithm to better match the old one in such border cases.

Update 2 (21-jan-15): In a recent email exchange, Dmitry told me that he was able to fix the “problem” causing FB 2.5 to have better performance in that specific single case.

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