15th Firebird Developers Day

Only for Brazilians:

O 15º FDD acontecerá em Piracicaba – SP, no dia 18 de Agosto de 2018, e contará com a presença mais do que especial de Vlad Khorsun, um dos principais core developers do Firebird! Vlad é responsável pela implementação de alguns dos recursos mais interessantes e úteis do Firebird, como Execute Block, Global Temporary Tables, CTe – Common Table Expressions, além de aperfeiçoamentos no nBackup, execute statement, etc. Alexey Kovyazin, especialista em recuperação e otimização de bases de dados, estará mais uma vez presente além, é claro, de vários nomes da comunidade brasileira. A grade de palestras ainda não está completa, mas já é nítido que o assunto performance terá um grande foco nessa edição. Inscreva-se agora, garanta sua vaga e pague menos!

15º Firebird Developers Day

Migration Guide to Firebird 3 (review)

Steve Naidamast kindly sent me his personal review of my Firebird 3 Migration Guide. I’m more than happy to share it here:


The Migration Guide to Firebird 3.0 is an excellently written technical manual that is filled with all the essential information anyone wanting or needing to work with Firebird 3.0 (now 3.0.x) will require.

Though called a migration guide, this well designed manual provides far more information than simply being relegated to how to move between earlier versions of the Firebird Database Engine and the most recent version of this highly capable database system. As a result, far exceeding the discussion of moving between database systems, this guide provides thorough explanations in detail on the various, unique server types that Firebird offers and how to decide which one is the best option for the requirements at hand, the necessary security configurations for each type of server and how to define users and their associated roles, enhancements to the PSQL language (the SQL variation used by Firebird), discussions on physical access to the server (ie: wire protocols), connection string enhancements, and last but not least, discussion on the Firebird Embedded Database Engine for desktop application development, which has been upgraded from the current 2.5 version.

Though written from the perspective of the needs of a Database Administrator, this manual should be an addition to any professional’s library who is serious about working with Firebird for the long term.

It is by far one of the superior manuals I have read over the years on the subject of database systems. Such manuals should surely aid in the growth of the Firebird Community so that this database system can take its rightful place among the current standards of use in today’s database application development endeavors…

Steve Naidamast
Sr. Software Engineer
Black Falcon Software


The Migration Guide to Firebird 3 is available both on paper and PDF formats.

The Frustrations of the long distance Database Application Developer

Though I have extensive database application development experience, I do not consider myself an expert with the Firebird Database Engine to any degree.  The following article is completely based upon observations and experiences during my attempts to learn and understand this highly capable engine.  As a result, if there are misunderstandings or mistakes I have promoted in my writing, please do not hesitate to send in comments either correcting them or offering alternatives.

See full article here.

Jaybird 3.0.4 update

The Firebird JDBC team is happy to announce the release of Jaybird 3.0.4.

This release of Jaybird introduces two new features: wire protocol encryption and database encryption callback support.

Jaybird 3.0.4 contains the following fixes and changes:

– New feature: Back-ported wire encryption support from Jaybird 4 (JDBC-415)
– Fixed: Native/embedded (JNA) connections truncate varchars to length 255 on read (JDBC-518)
– New feature: Database encryption callback support in pure Java protocol (JDBC-527)

See the Jaybird 3.0.4 release notes for more information. Jaybird 3.0.4 can be downloaded from the JDBC Driver page.

The release is also available on maven:

groupId: org.firebirdsql.jdbc
artifactid: jaybird-jdkXX*
version: 3.0.4

* The artifactId depends on your target Java version: jaybird-jdk18, or jaybird-jdk17

Firebird Foreign Data Wrapper update

After a long hiatus, I’ve finally found time to update firebird_fdw, which is now available as version 0.3.0.

This update, together with an update of the underlying Firebird API wrapper libfq to version 0.2.0, is a general cleanup/bugfix release, with improvements including:

  • support for PostgreSQL 9.6 and 10
  • support for IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA (PostgreSQL 9.5 and later)
  • automatic reconnection to Firebird
  • improved error message handling and display
  • improved memory handling and prevention of various unhandled situations which caused the PostgreSQL server to crash

Additionally, CentOS rpm packages are now available via the Fedora Copr build system.

This release has been developed and tested with Firebird 2.5. It will work with Firebird 3.0, but does not yet take advantage of any new features; future releases will hopefully address this.

eXpress Persistent Objects (XPO)

XPO (an object-relational mapping library – ORM) supports more than a dozen database engines (including SQL Server, Oracle and various Open Source products) and recently got updated to support Firebird 3 too.


In addition to SQL Server, MySql, PostgreSQL and SQLite, XPO for .NET Core / .NET Standard 2.0 supports ADO.NET provider 5.11+ for Firebird starting with v17.2.5. As we noted in our introductory post, the lack of support for other providers is not an XPO limitation – as soon as RDBMS vendors begin supporting .NET Standard 2.0, we will test XPO with these RDBMS providers and add them to our supported list.

Support for Firebird 3.0 server and the client ADO.NET data provider (FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient 5.8.0) will be available in v18.1. We will also support the Substring criteria function that was missing before.

Firebird Synchronization to AWS Cloud.

Happy to announce a new release and general availability of Bipost Sync, a tool designed for synchronizing Firebird SQL (Windows) to AWS cloud.

Built for developers in mind.

Bipost Sync is ideal to extend your on-premises Firebird DB’s to the cloud, and build web applications, web services and API’s on top of AWS cloud platform.

It is also a great way to consolidate information from separate databases and locations, e.g. manufacturing companies may want to read sales and inventory information from 2nd or 3rd tier small retailers.

Tech Stuff:
(*) Synchronize specific data sets from Firebird SQL on Windows to AWS Aurora-MySQL.
(*) Two-way synchronization available, from AWS Aurora-MySQL back to your Firebird SQL.
(*) No need to create/alter schemas, this is done by our sync tool.
(*) Prepare your data before you load with stored procedures you define.
(*) Transform your data after load is done, also with stored procedures you define.

More info:

Firebird Members Offer available:

MWA Software is pleased to announce that release 2.2.0 of IBX for Lazarus is now available for download from mwasoftware.co.uk/ibx. This is an important update to IBX and all users are recommended to upgrade to the new release. Please read the changelog before upgrade.

The main intent behind the release is to add support for the remaining Firebird 3 features (and some from earlier Firebird releases) that were not supported in release 2.1. This includes:

  1. Support for SQL Statements INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE…RETURNING. The first two cases are now able to update the current row for all TIBCustomDataset descendents including TIBTable, using data returned following a row insert or update.
  2. INSERT…RETURNING is used to provide support for Firebird “Identity” columns. For example, when used to provide auto-increment primary keys.
  3. Firebird “Packages” are now supported by TIBStoredProc and by the SQL Component Editors.
  4. Additional Firebird 3 properties are now supported by TIBDatabaseInfo and by the Services API components (e.g. TIBConfigService).
  5. Alternative Security Databases are now supported by the Services API Components.
  6. TIBExtract now supports DDL Grants and triggers on database objects.
  7. A new IBServices component to support online validation of a database (TIBOnlineValidationService).
  8. A major new example application (DBAdmin) is now included. This illustrates the use of IBX for Day-to-Day Database Administration tasks including User Management, Backup/Restore and Database Validation and Repair. It is also intended to provided a useable application that users may use directly or incorporate into their own toolsets. It also demonstrates User Management using Firebird 3 virtual tables and SQL statements. Note: this application also requires the standard Lazarus package MemDSLaz.

This release also incorporates recent bug fixes and includes a 33 page guide to the use of IBX for Firebird DBA activities.

IBX for Lazarus may be downloaded from: www.mwasoftware.co.uk/ibx

or by subversion from:


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