21st Firebird Developers Day – the end

The 21st Firebird Developers Day concluded today with a special lecture by Dmitry Yemanov on the topic “Understanding the Optimizer Plans.” For the first time, participants heard Dmitry speaking Portuguese :-), thanks to the help of Artificial Intelligence.

This year’s event was held online, allowing more people to participate, especially those who live far from Piracicaba, where the in-person event is usually held. In terms of content, it was one of the best FDDs and featured high-quality live questions at the end of each presentation!

I would like to thank all the speakers (Rodrigo Marchiori, José Francisco Cervi Neto, Carlos Eduardo, Marcelo Daibert, and Dmitry Yemanov), as well as the participants and also the sponsors: IBExpert, uniGUI, Innovio, and Embarcadero, in addition to the supporters Woll2Woll, Steema, and ACBr.

21st FDD – for Portuguese speakers outside Brazil

Se você fala português, não está no Brasil, e gostaria de participar do 21º Firebird Developers Day, que será realizado on-line de 7 a 11 de outubro, temos um link exclusivo para você se inscrever!

Será uma palestra por noite, iniciando às 20h (GMT -3), mas não se preocupe, se esse horário é muito tarde para você, as palestras ficarão gravadas e poderão ser assistidas a partir de 21/outubro, mas somente para quem estiver inscrito no evento.

Vale lembrar também que somente os participantes poderão comprar o IBExpert e o uniGUI com os menores preços do ano (confira os valores no FAQ do site do evento). Só o que se economiza com os descontos já faz valer a inscrição 😉

Veja os temas das palestras:

  • Entendendo os PLANos do otimizador (Dmitry Yemanov)
  • I.A. + Firebird – Estratégias e Ferramentas Inovadoras (Carlos E. Paulino)
  • Atualizando a metadata do BD com sua aplicação (Carlos H. Cantu)
  • O que você está perdendo por não migrar para o Firebird 5 (Carlos H. Cantu)
  • Validando o servidor através de benchmarks (Marcelo Daibert)

Para se inscrever, clique aqui , mas atenção: o link funcionará somente até o dia 01/outubro, então inscreva-se agora mesmo! É importante que informe durante a compra o mesmo email com o qual está cadastrado na firebase.com.br , para que possamos identificá-lo na nossa base de dados e efetuar sua inscrição.

Esquenta FDD (FDD Warm-up)

Sorry, this is only for Portuguese speakers…

No dia 26/setembro (quinta-feira) às 10h (GMT-3 – horário de Brasília) estaremos realizando o Esquenta FDD, com a apresentação de 2 estudos de caso de sucesso envolvendo o Firebird.

O Esquenta é gratuito e aberto a todos que quiserem participar, bastando se cadastrar usando esse link e entrar na data e hora programadas.

Aproveite e se inscreva também no 21º Firebird Developers Day, que será realizado on-line, de 7 a 11 de outubro. As inscrições se encerram dia 27/setembro.

PHP 8.4 Improvements when working with modern Firebird versions

From firebirdsql.org:

PHP 8.4 beta 5 has been released, marking a significant milestone for PHP developers, particularly those working with Firebird databases. This update brings crucial enhancements to the built-in PDO-Firebird driver. Now supporting modern data types, including DECFLOAT, the driver offers substantial benefits for PHP applications using Firebird 4 and 5.

This improved Firebird support in standard PHP will streamline development of Firebird-based PHP applications, making the process more straightforward and transparent. For an in-depth look at these enhancements, check out the new article “PHP 8.4 Improvements when working with modern Firebird versions“.

21st Firebird Developers Day

The official website for the 21st FDD, the largest Firebird event in the world, is now live! The Firebird Developers Day has been held annually in Brazil for 21 consecutive years.

This year, the conference will exceptionally take place online, from October 7th to 11th.

Registrations are now open!

PS: This is a Brazilian conference, so the sessions are in Portuguese.


Export a Firebird database to CSV, JSON or other formats is a Open Source project to export a Firebird database, show a summary of the database table names, field names, field data types, and index columns. Optionally extract and save table data to a directory, in CSV/JSON (or potentially in any other format), as well any other binary files from blobs.

A subset of the tables and fields can be specified (in python) and the number of records returned can be limited for testing purposes. Output data can be combined or into one or saved in individual files named after the tables.

libpthread compatibility problem with Firebird 2.5

We’ve identified an issue where the latest libpthread library versions are not compatible with Firebird 2.5 (including the latest available release of vanilla version and HQbird 2.5 till the version

This incompatibility may cause Firebird 2.5 to crash during certain operations on newer Linux distributions. The error occurs frequently in architectures SuperServer and SuperClassic, and less frequently, in Classic.

Immediate Action Required:
To prevent any impact on Firebird 2.5, please follow the guidance provided below.

Assessing Your System:
Determining which Linux distributions are impacted is dificult since libpthread updates can be applied to older operating system versions, potentially introducing the issue to Firebird. It means that any update of OS can bring the problem to your system, even if you are running old version. It means that you need to test your instance of OS.

Testing for Compatibility:
We’ve developed a command-line application to test whether libpthread is compatible with Firebird 2.5.

Download Instructions:
•  The binary for the test application can be downloaded from the following link: www.ib-aid.com/download/libpthread/pthr-tst
•  The source code for the test application is also available at this link: www.ib-aid.com/download/libpthread/test.cpp

Execution Guide:
Execute the test application in your terminal as outlined in the instructions below to perform the compatibility check.

For the Operating System with old libptread (i.e., it is compatible with 2.5)  

wget https://ib-aid.com/download/libpthread/pthr-tst
chmod +x pthr-tst
# ./pthr-tst 
Set signals
Sigenv works 

For the Operating System with new libptread (i.e., not compatible with 2.5):

# ./pthr-tst
Set signals
Segmentation fault

What to do next in short-term

For Firebird 2.5 vanilla users:
If you have made the test and found that libpthread is not compatible with Firebird 2.5, change the architecture to Classic (make sure to do not confuse the configuration!), and then plan to reinstall your Linux Operating System to the old version with compatible libpthread, which does not have this problem – as soon as possible.

If you have made the test and did not encounter the problem with libpthread, there is no direct danger at the moment. Make this test after each OS update.

Please note that Firebird 2.5 is discontinued version, and Firebird Project will not release fix for vanilla version of 2.5.

For user of commercial versions
Contact your vendor to receive a fix.

What to do next in long-term? Upgrade!

Take this as a final notice that you need to upgrade to Firebird 5.0. The version 2.5 was good and stable, but it originates from 2010, the majority of products released in that year already retired.

There are enough material to perform upgrade in the smooth and easy way, see for details Practical Migration Guide to Firebird 5.


Please feel free to ask any questions: ak@firebirdsql.org

Original article: https://firebirdsql.org/en/news/urgent-and-import-message-for-users-of-firebird-2-5-on-linux/

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