Authors guide
If you are qualified as an author, you can post news to the site.
You must use your “power” with responsability (isn’t this a kind of SpiderMan thing? 😉 ). I think it is quite obvious, but here is a list of what authors can do or can’t do:
You can:
- Post any news related to Firebird, including new releases of your products, links to articles on the web or magazines refering Firebird, conference or events all around the world, etc.
You can’t:
- Post ilegal stuff, like porns, cracks, pirate stuff, etc.
- Although you can post news about new releases of your products, this is not a marketplace, so do not use this just to make pure propaganda!
- Be polite in your posts. Agressive or non educated posts will be removed and you can be banned
When publishing long posts, please use the “more” button of the editor to split and hide most part of the text. Users who want to continue reading the post will be able to “click” and see the remaining text. Otherwise the post will take too much space in the main page of the site, and this is bad.
In other words, just be nice and use your common-sense and you will have no problems at all.
Important! When posting to this site, remember to classify your post in some of the existing categories. Oficial language is English.