“Firebird Embedded Server” article in the current “Entwickler Magazin”

Hi all (especially the German speaking folks),
FYI: In the current edition of the well-known German “Entwickler Magazin”, there has been an article about “Firebird Embedded Server” included.

The link to the content of the current edition is:

Feuervogel Das XCOPY-Deployment Paradigma außerhalb der .NET-Welt

A bit weird, but “Feuervogel” is the German translation of “Firebird”
which isn’t my text when sending them the article. 😉

“Das XCOPY-Deployment Paradigma außerhalb der .NET-Welt” can be
translated to something like “The XCOPY deployment paradigm outside the
.NET world”

–Best Regards, Thomas Steinmaurer

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