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New version of RedExpert 2024.01 is available.


  • Support of work with database statistics:
    • Obtaining database statistics via services
    • Parsing DB statistics from a file
    • DB statistics comparing
  • Data import support from XLSX and XML files
  • Export/import of data with BLOB type
  • Ability to select columns when exporting data
  • Ability to transfer data from one database to another
  • Database metadata extracting into SQL-script
  • SQL-queries executing to a file directly
  • Transaction parameters support in the Query Editor
  • Query execution in several connections simultaneously
  • Transaction confirmation window when closing the Query Editor and the “Data” tab of tables and views
  • Displaying connection and database properties (such as server, page size, database file size, etc.)
  • Ability to copy column names from a Result Set
  • “Triggers” tab for views
  • Ability to configure database connection timeout
  • Updated data import and export panels


  • Display tables with “NONE” encoding
  • Recognizing VARCHAR and CHAR types other than undefined subtype and with fixed binary data
  • Reloading of views after making changes
  • Auto-completion: by occurrence, not by string start
  • UDF opening errors
  • Editing foreign keys
  • Copying connection with encoding
  • Editing data in columns with names containing spaces
  • Disappearance of the edited procedure text on the “DDL” tab when switching tabs
  • Searching for database objects in the connection tree with names containing ‘$’
  • GUI defects when double-clicking on a table name in the Query Editor
  • Limitations on the number of characters and maximum value when editing field value with INT128 type
  • SQL code generation for external UDR functions, indexes and constraints
  • Table Validation with a large number of fields and indexes
  • Profiler buttons availability when switching between application tabs
  • Display PUBLIC role in the “Users” group in the Grant Manager
  • Focus shift when changing a filter field in the Grant Manager
  • Updating the list of triggers for tables and views when adding a new trigger
  • Updating the list of table fields when they are changed

Download and install the new version.

FBPC 1.0.1 is released

The new (beta) release of the Performance Comparer for Firebird tool fixes some small glitches and improves the usability. The Firebird Embedded used by the tool was also updated to the official Firebird 5.0 release. More details about the changes can be found in the ChangeLog.txt.

A video (recorded from a recent Live, in Portuguese) is now available on YouTube, showing how to use the tool. Of course, the previous instructions (in English) are still included in the distribution.

Download the new version and get to know how your queries will behave in Firebird 5 (or any version of Firebird), before migrating your customers.

Firebird 5.0 is released

Firebird Project is happy to announce general availability of Firebird 5.0 — the latest major release of the Firebird relational database for Windows, Linux, MacOS and Android platforms.

This release introduces improvements in areas of performance, multithreaded processing (including backup, restore, sweep), SQL queries profiling, with better scalability and numerous enhancements in SQL language.

Please refer to the Release Notes for the full list of changes. The complete Language Reference is also available.

Binary kits for all supported platforms are immediately available for download.

Note: Migrating to Firebird 5 from older versions needs attention to avoid bad surprises, especially for people still using versions older than Firebird 4. For those people, I fully recommend reading my Migration Guide to Firebird 4. Although it was written with FB 4 in mind, the steps and considerations are the same when moving to Firebird 5. Carlos H. Cantu

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