Voting: please support me in the contest
Dear friends!
Please VOTE for me (Marina Novikova) at the contest (Attention: my NUMBER is 475). The voting will end this Sunday, every vote is very important (now I am second, 400 votes to the leader).
You can read about my website InterBase World .
Please VOTE for me (Marina Novikova) and I will have a chance to win a 2-week trip to the surf-riding school in Indonesia, Bali. By wining the contest I will achive my sacred dream and learn how to surf, see Komodo’s giant lizards and volcanos, etc… Miracles can come true!
As the contest pages are in Russian, this screenshot illustrates how to vote by pressing one button.
Note: The contest will finish on Sunday 20 and you can vote every day!
The voting results (rating) can be seen at the web page.”
good to know who is Marina Novikova , Last time i voted i thought it was an russian model
that wants win this contest
ps: i didn’t understood what is the connection
between the model and firebird/ib (Now i do:P )
Mariuz, thank you for voting! No, this contest and me have nothing to do with modelы
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