MyPostBirdSQL 2.0 RC1 released
Today first RC1 release is announced that many oss developers had been awaiting
MyFireGreSql 2.0 is based on code from mysql 6.0 ,firebird 3.0,postgresql 9.0
We needed a big shake up in open source database world and working on the common code base have it’s
advantages:Firebird and Postgresql borrowed from mysql’s speed , mysql used MVCC for it’s transactional engine (is based on firebird) .
SQL2003 is implemented in all three engines now that is published as standard .So why working on a three SQL200X implementations when we could work only on one? , The project’s model is linux kernel where vendors are using only one source code for their distributions (patched properly) but there is only one organization for working on the kernel osdl.
I will take the chance to report that right now I’m starting a new project:
MyFireGreOraSyDB2 1.0
Why would you need any other BD?
I plan to have the first RC available in 2 days. Final version in the end of the week.
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